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Hola! On the homepage, you can read my story of how I transitioned from working as an interim project manager for the national government to embracing a life beyond the 9-5 grind. Here’s a brief introduction to who I am, along with some background on my education and career journey.


Some (fun) facts about me:

  • The meaning of my name, Hilde, is warrior or battle woman. I feel this is quite a fitting name, as I sure have fought a number of battles in my life. Most notably, the struggle during my upbringing to just be me. To express myself in all my colours, to walk my own path, have my own viewpoints, and make my own mistakes – despite the pressures from my surroundings. No wonder, it gives me so much joy to see others carve their own authentic & fulfilling life path, however this may look.

  • I'm an outdoor enthusiast. I love hiking, skiing, surfing, swimming and doing yoga early mornings outside when nature is just waking up, the gras still a bit dewy and the air fresh. Lately, I can include gardening to my outdoor activities: how satisfying it is to take care of edible plants, and to eat directly from nature!

  • I'm very tall. People often do a double take when they first see me, but no, I do not wear heels.

  • I lost count of how many times I moved in my life (20+ at least), and I've lived over 17 years abroad. I do feel Dutch, as much as I feel the world is a village, but do not ask me 'where about' in the Netherlands I'm from.

  • Feeling the need to take care of this precious planet, derived naturally from my love for being outdoors. I'm a very conscious consumer. I am annoyed with all the advertising of BS products (of which many destroy the planet and our bodies) being bombarded at us 24/7, giving us a feeling we lack something. It is my biggest wish to see a world where humanity feel there's no separation between humans and nature, and that thus the only way to take care of us, is to take care of nature.

  • I used to be a misfit in high school, dyed my hair in all colours, talked in a secret slang with my besties, and had very few close friends. Now I feel so lucky with the richness of my friend groups in different parts of the world. I learned, being social and making friends is a skill you can train.

  • I'm a huge coffee and food adorer. Before travelling to a new place, I'll spend most time researching all the cute cafes, coffee breweries and interesting dining places on google maps. You can especially wake me up for cakes, oh, and I have a soft spot for kittens too.

  • I'm quite a typical virgo in the sense that I thrive in situations where I can bring order to chaos, provide balance where there is none, and find joy in analysing how things can be improved.

  • One of my dreams is to live in a cute old farm with wooden tiles, a thatched roof, and a peaceful garden full of herbs, wild flowers and little nooks to chill. People can visit to enjoy my delicious coffee, healthy cakes and drop their shoulders. Another dream is to work as a travel researcher.


My background

Originally, I'm a trained social worker and political scientist. During my 3,5 years in a  management development program for the Dutch government, I further trained myself in meditation, communication, facilitation and leadership. In 2021, I completed a 10 month intensive education in Intuitive Coaching at IMC Human Development. An education in which regular coaching techniques are supplemented with Eastern methods, such as meditation, mindfulness, and chakra psychology. I'm also a certified hatha yoga teacher, and conducted the training close to Mysore in India. By now, I have created my own yoga style, which is very much intuitive, playful, light and incorporates reflection & gratitude practice as well. 


My coaching style

  • Holistic: Emotions, bodily sensations and intuition are just as important as an intellectual approach. Reconnecting body, mind and spirit is at the heart of my coaching. In our busy lifestyles, where we almost never 'switch off', you'll benefit immensely from practices that bring you beyond the monkey mind into a state of peace. 

  • Intuitive: I align my approach with what is needed in the moment, be it meditation, visualisation, practical assignments, constellation techniques or embodiment practices. Diving deeper into your inner world to arrive at what really matters to you, and from there create the life that you want.

  • Grounded & practical: I believe we are spiritual beings in a human body, and that we are far more capable of shaping our lives than many people believe to be true. Yet, meditating all day, does not get us from A to C. We cannot escape the practical day-to-day matters, and part of getting ahead in life is taking care of your finances, your health and your living situation. My approach is therefore no nonsense: I'll support you to create a road map to your goals, and you'll leave each coaching session with actionable steps to get ahead.


Coaching online

I conduct most of my coaching sessions online. Except if you are in the Netherlands, then we can meet live as well. Each session lasts around 60–90 minutes, usually on a 2 to 4–week interval.

For an additional charge, and when possible, I am open to visit you abroad. In this way, we could do more intensive coaching in a shorter period of time, combined with a couple of online sessions.

Want to collaborate?

I'll get back to you within 48 hours!

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